
Expose will take place on August 23rd atLa Vendetta 1909 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood FL 33020

Join me as I celebrate another year of life and dance the night away to the sounds of Dj Bambino & Selecta Addy. Special thanks to Jusbus for creating an amazing piece of art work on the flyer. Thanks to Dance culture divas, Euphoria, and all my friends involved in the making of the video below.




Floatopia Miami

Floatopia is known for floating on rafts, other home-made or store bought floating devices and partying at the beach. The event started out on the West Coast in small numbers but has since traveled across the country in increasing numbers. Yesterday South Florida welcomed up the event for the first time and below are some of the pics.

EXPOSE - Thanks for coming out

I want to thank Bambino, Gian, Brett, Addy, Scotch, Slim, Yoly and everyone who came out to EXPOSE. It's always great seeing old and new faces gathering for a good cause and having a wonderful time. I had a great time and I hope you all did as well. Look out for Expose the video project in the near future.